Customs clearance is an integral part of the delivery of export and import cargo across the border. If you often have to deal with international delivery of goods, you realize how important it is to properly and promptly execute documents (declarations) on goods.
Customs clearance is a complex procedure for placing goods and vehicles under the relevant customs regime in accordance with the requirements and provisions of the customs legislation of the Customs Union.
DageCapital has been cooperating for a long time with leading customs brokers of the countries of the Customs Union, who are ready to provide a full range of customs clearance services for export-import goods.
Saving time of our Clients, when developing a foreign economic operation, we independently contact specialists of companies providing customs brokerage services in order to provide all the services of customs brokers in a single complex of services provided to our Clients for a full customs clearance cycle, including:
- — Preparation and coordination of a package of documents for customs clearance
- — Classification of goods in accordance with the Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union
- — Representation of our clients in customs;
- — Calculation of obligatory customs payments, taxes and other fees;
- — Obtaining certificates, CGR, CP, FEZ and other permits related to customs clearance;
- — Customs clearance procedures (control);
- — Drawing up foreign economic contracts, providing services of contract holders;
- — Advice on customs clearance;
- — Service of import-export operations (customs clearance of imports, customs clearance of export);
- — Placement of goods in customs warehouses and warehouses of bonded warehouses;
- — Filling in all types of transport documents.